Harry’s Service Station (c.1937);Harry’s Service Station (c.1937)
Pièce d'archives
1937, 1937
A negative of Harry's Service Station on 121 1st Avenue Northeast. Harry R Estabrooks was the proprietor of the gas station, which was open from 1936-1938. The business was associated with Star Taxi. Visible signs include Imperial Oil, Firestone Tired, Mobiloil, and Marvelube. There are three unidentified men in the photo.~root~>
A negative of Harry's Service Station on 121 1st Avenue Northeast. Harry R Estabrooks was the proprietor of the gas station, which was open from 1936-1938. The business was associated with Star Taxi. Visible signs include Imperial Oil, Firestone Tired, Mobiloil, and Marvelube. There are three unidentified men in the photo.~root~>
A negative of Harry's Service Station on 121 1st Avenue Northeast. Harry R Estabrooks was the proprietor of the gas station, which was open from 1936-1938. The business was associated with Star Taxi. Visible signs include Imperial Oil, Firestone Tired, Mobiloil, and Marvelube. There are three unidentified men in the photo.~root~>
Safety Film~root~>, Safety Film~root~>
Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Negative, Film~root~>