Subdivision of Block 3 Showing Proposed Subdivision, Red'D Plan No. 59Sc-00535 (1964);Subdivision of Block 3 Showing Proposed Subdivision, Red'D Plan No. 59Sc-00535 (1964)
Archival item
1964, 1964
Plan for subdivision of Block 3 in Swift Current, Reg'd plan No.59SC - 00535. Scale: 1" - 100'. Contains signatures of Land Surveyor, Mayor, and City Clerk. The plan is from sometime around 1964.~root~>
Plan for subdivision of Block 3 in Swift Current, Reg'd plan No.59SC - 00535. Scale: 1" - 100'. Contains signatures of Land Surveyor, Mayor, and City Clerk. The plan is from sometime around 1964.~root~>
Plan for subdivision of Block 3 in Swift Current, Reg'd plan No.59SC - 00535. Scale: 1" - 100'. Contains signatures of Land Surveyor, Mayor, and City Clerk. The plan is from sometime around 1964.~root~>
Paper~root~>, Paper~root~>
Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artefact~root~>, Map~root~>, Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artefact~root~>, Map~root~>