City Of Swift Current By-Law No. 16 - Rental Suite Not Meeting Building Requirements (1957-08-14);City Of Swift Current By-Law No. 16 - Rental Suite Not Meeting Building Requirements (1957-08-14)

City Of Swift Current By-Law No. 16 - Rental Suite Not Meeting Building Requirements (1957-08-14);City Of Swift Current By-Law No. 16 - Rental Suite Not Meeting Building Requirements (1957-08-14)


August 14 1957, August 14 1957
Document regarding the "City of Swift Current By-Law No. 16-1957". The card indicates that a rental suite was inspected and did not meet the requirements, and therefore shall not be rented. The Building Inspector and Senior Sanitary Officer signatures are on the card. The date is August 14 1957.

Document regarding the "City of Swift Current By-Law No. 16-1957". The card indicates that a rental suite was inspected and did not meet the requirements, and therefore shall not be rented. The Building Inspector and Senior Sanitary Officer signatures are on the card. The date is August 14 1957.
Paper, Paper

Communication Artefacts, Documentary Artefact, Card, Communication Artefacts, Documentary Artefact, Card