National-Spar Incorporated, Swift Current (1983);National-Spar Incorporated, Swift Current (1983);Negative
Pièce d'archives
1983, 1983
A negative of National-Spar Inc. building, located at 600 Fentons Crescent, Swift Current. The company was formed in 1983.~root~>
A negative of National-Spar Inc. building, located at 600 Fentons Crescent, Swift Current. The company was formed in 1983.~root~>
A negative of National-Spar Inc. building, located at 600 Fentons Crescent, Swift Current. The company was formed in 1983.~root~>
Safety Film~root~>, Safety Film~root~>
Communication Artefacts~root~>, Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Negative, Film~root~>, Negative, Film~root~>