Mennonite Farmhouse (1935);Mennonite Farmhouse (1935);Negative, Film: Mennonite Photo
Archival item
A negative of a Mennonite farm house with horses in front of it from 1935. The image itself has uneven edges. ~root~>
A negative of a Mennonite farm house with horses in front of it from 1935. The image itself has uneven edges. ~root~>
A negative of a Mennonite farm house with horses in front of it from 1935. The image itself has uneven edges. ~root~>
Film (Cellulose Acetate/Nitrate And Gelatin)~root~>, Film (Cellulose Acetate/Nitrate And Gelatin)~root~>
Communication Artefacts~root~>, Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Negative, Film~root~>, Negative, Film~root~>