E L Hammond Saskatchewan Government Insurance (1961);E L Hammond Saskatchewan Government Insurance (1961);Negative: E.L. Hammond- SK Gov't Insurance, 1961
Pièce d'archives
1961, 1961
A negative of four individuals standing in a hallway from 1961. The four consist of two older man, one young man, and a woman, standing in a hallway. One of the individuals is E.L. Hammond from Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI). ~root~>
A negative of four individuals standing in a hallway from 1961. The four consist of two older man, one young man, and a woman, standing in a hallway. One of the individuals is E.L. Hammond from Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI). ~root~>
A negative of four individuals standing in a hallway from 1961. The four consist of two older man, one young man, and a woman, standing in a hallway. One of the individuals is E.L. Hammond from Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI). ~root~>
Safety Film~root~>, Safety Film~root~>
"Sask. Gov't Insurance E.L. Hammond 1961 // #292" is written on the envelope.~root~>
"Sask. Gov't Insurance E.L. Hammond 1961 // #292" is written on the envelope.~root~>
"Sask. Gov't Insurance E.L. Hammond 1961 // #292" is written on the envelope.~root~>
Communication Artefacts~root~>, Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Negative, Film~root~>, Negative, Film~root~>