Frontier Days Parade (1961);Frontier Days Parade (1961);Photograph Frontier Days Parade

Pièce d'archives

1961, 1961
Photo from Kinetic Club Fonds, Canada Day Parade 1961, down Central, visible are left side of road: Niagra Loans, Melhoff Electric, Ogilvie Studio, Yolanda's Dress Shop, CKSW, Canadian Bank of Commerce right side of road: W.W. Smith Agency, Ed McKenzie Ltd, James Richardson and Sons, Webster Shoe Store, McIntosh's Furniture, The Vogue, Swift Current Hardware, Universal Cleaners, the Lyric Theatre.

Photo from Kinetic Club Fonds, Canada Day Parade 1961, down Central, visible are left side of road: Niagra Loans, Melhoff Electric, Ogilvie Studio, Yolanda's Dress Shop, CKSW, Canadian Bank of Commerce right side of road: W.W. Smith Agency, Ed McKenzie Ltd, James Richardson and Sons, Webster Shoe Store, McIntosh's Furniture, The Vogue, Swift Current Hardware, Universal Cleaners, the Lyric Theatre.
Photographic Paper, Photographic Paper


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Communication Artefacts, Communication Artefacts, Visual Communication T&E, Visual Communication T&E, Print, Photographic, Print, Photographic