Frontier Days Parade (1961);Frontier Days Parade (1961);Photograph Frontier Days Parade
Pièce d'archives
1961, 1961
Photo from Kinetic Club Fonds, Canada Day Parade 1961, down Central, visible are left side of road: Niagra Loans, Melhoff Electric, Ogilvie Studio, Yolanda's Dress Shop, CKSW, Canadian Bank of Commerce
right side of road: W.W. Smith Agency, Ed McKenzie Ltd, James Richardson and Sons, Webster Shoe Store, McIntosh's Furniture, The Vogue, Swift Current Hardware, Universal Cleaners, the Lyric Theatre.~root~>
Photo from Kinetic Club Fonds, Canada Day Parade 1961, down Central, visible are left side of road: Niagra Loans, Melhoff Electric, Ogilvie Studio, Yolanda's Dress Shop, CKSW, Canadian Bank of Commerce right side of road: W.W. Smith Agency, Ed McKenzie Ltd, James Richardson and Sons, Webster Shoe Store, McIntosh's Furniture, The Vogue, Swift Current Hardware, Universal Cleaners, the Lyric Theatre.~root~>
Photo from Kinetic Club Fonds, Canada Day Parade 1961, down Central, visible are left side of road: Niagra Loans, Melhoff Electric, Ogilvie Studio, Yolanda's Dress Shop, CKSW, Canadian Bank of Commerce right side of road: W.W. Smith Agency, Ed McKenzie Ltd, James Richardson and Sons, Webster Shoe Store, McIntosh's Furniture, The Vogue, Swift Current Hardware, Universal Cleaners, the Lyric Theatre.~root~>
Photographic Paper~root~>, Photographic Paper~root~>
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Communication Artefacts~root~>, Communication Artefacts~root~>, Visual Communication T&E~root~>, Visual Communication T&E~root~>, Print, Photographic~root~>, Print, Photographic~root~>