28th Music Festival Program (1957-04-04);28th Music Festival Program (1957-04-04)
April 4 1957, April 4 1957
Program for the "Twenty-Eighth Annual Musical Festival". The festival was held by the Swift Current Branch of the Saskatchewan Association of Music Festivals, from April 4 to 6 in 1957. The program contains ads from local businesses, and names of organizers, competitors, and adjudicators.
Program for the "Twenty-Eighth Annual Musical Festival". The festival was held by the Swift Current Branch of the Saskatchewan Association of Music Festivals, from April 4 to 6 in 1957. The program contains ads from local businesses, and names of organizers, competitors, and adjudicators. ~root~>
Program for the "Twenty-Eighth Annual Musical Festival". The festival was held by the Swift Current Branch of the Saskatchewan Association of Music Festivals, from April 4 to 6 in 1957. The program contains ads from local businesses, and names of organizers, competitors, and adjudicators. ~root~>
Paper; Card Stock~root~>, Paper; Card Stock~root~>
Communication Artefacts~root~>, Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Program~root~>, Program~root~>