Rotary Conference and Assembly District 536 Program (1963-05-06);Rotary Conference and Assembly District 536 Program (1963-05-06)
May 6 1963, May 6 1963
Program for the "Rotary International Conference and Assembly". The event took place in Swift Current on May 6 1963. The program contains an agenda of events, tickets for meals, names of organizers, etc.~root~>
Program for the "Rotary International Conference and Assembly". The event took place in Swift Current on May 6 1963. The program contains an agenda of events, tickets for meals, names of organizers, etc.~root~>
Program for the "Rotary International Conference and Assembly". The event took place in Swift Current on May 6 1963. The program contains an agenda of events, tickets for meals, names of organizers, etc.~root~>
Paper; Card Stock~root~>, Paper; Card Stock~root~>
Communication Artefacts~root~>, Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Program~root~>, Program~root~>