Rotary Conference and Assembly District 536 Program (1963-05-06);Rotary Conference and Assembly District 536 Program (1963-05-06)

Rotary Conference and Assembly District 536 Program (1963-05-06);Rotary Conference and Assembly District 536 Program (1963-05-06)


May 6 1963, May 6 1963
Program for the "Rotary International Conference and Assembly". The event took place in Swift Current on May 6 1963. The program contains an agenda of events, tickets for meals, names of organizers, etc.

Program for the "Rotary International Conference and Assembly". The event took place in Swift Current on May 6 1963. The program contains an agenda of events, tickets for meals, names of organizers, etc.
Paper; Card Stock, Paper; Card Stock

Communication Artefacts, Communication Artefacts, Documentary Artifact, Documentary Artifact, Program, Program