29th Convention of Saskatchewan Elks Program (1958-06);29th Convention of Saskatchewan Elks Program (1958-06)
June 1958, June 1958
Program for the 29th Convention of the Saskatchewan Provincial Elks Association. The convention was held in Swift Current from June 8th to 10th in 1958. The program contains names of officers, an agenda of events, and ads from local businesses.~root~>
Program for the 29th Convention of the Saskatchewan Provincial Elks Association. The convention was held in Swift Current from June 8th to 10th in 1958. The program contains names of officers, an agenda of events, and ads from local businesses.~root~>
Program for the 29th Convention of the Saskatchewan Provincial Elks Association. The convention was held in Swift Current from June 8th to 10th in 1958. The program contains names of officers, an agenda of events, and ads from local businesses.~root~>
Card Stock~root~>, Card Stock~root~>
Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Program~root~>, Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Program~root~>