O M Irwin Collegiate Institute Opening Program (1963-11-01);O M Irwin Collegiate Institute Opening Program (1963-11-01)
November 1 1963, November 1 1963
Program for the official opening of the O M Irwin Collegiate school on 1 November 1963. The program contains a biography of Dr. O.M. Irwin, an agenda of events, and members of the board.~root~>
Program for the official opening of the O M Irwin Collegiate school on 1 November 1963. The program contains a biography of Dr. O.M. Irwin, an agenda of events, and members of the board.~root~>
Program for the official opening of the O M Irwin Collegiate school on 1 November 1963. The program contains a biography of Dr. O.M. Irwin, an agenda of events, and members of the board.~root~>
Paper~root~>, Paper~root~>
Communication Artefacts~root~>, Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Program~root~>, Program~root~>