Swift Current Union Hospital 'Open House' Program (1963-11-02)
November 2 1963, November 2 1963
Program for an Open House at Swift Current Union Hospital on 2 November 1963. The program contains information about recently renovated parts of the hospital, including the Treatment Room Suite, Pathological Laboratory and Obstetrical Suite, and also various hospital statistics for 1962.~root~>
Program for an Open House at Swift Current Union Hospital on 2 November 1963. The program contains information about recently renovated parts of the hospital, including the Treatment Room Suite, Pathological Laboratory and Obstetrical Suite, and also various hospital statistics for 1962.~root~>
Program for an Open House at Swift Current Union Hospital on 2 November 1963. The program contains information about recently renovated parts of the hospital, including the Treatment Room Suite, Pathological Laboratory and Obstetrical Suite, and also various hospital statistics for 1962.~root~>
Paper~root~>, Paper~root~>
Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Program~root~>