8th Reconnaissance Regiment Association Newsletter (1969-11)

8th Reconnaissance Regiment Association Newsletter (1969-11)


November 1969, November 1969
Photocopy of a newsletter for the VIII Recce (14h Canadian Hussars) members from November 1969. The newsletter contains information about the National Reunion in Regina from July 17th to 19th, 1970, names of officers (including president Douglas Burke and vice-president Harold Horner), a list of 8th Recce members from across Canada, and information about the Battalion. It was mailed to "Mr. R. Armstrong" in Swift Current.

Photocopy of a newsletter for the VIII Recce (14h Canadian Hussars) members from November 1969. The newsletter contains information about the National Reunion in Regina from July 17th to 19th, 1970, names of officers (including president Douglas Burke and vice-president Harold Horner), a list of 8th Recce members from across Canada, and information about the Battalion. It was mailed to "Mr. R. Armstrong" in Swift Current.
Paper;, Paper;
Communication Artefacts, Documentary Artifact, Newsletter