Business Improvement District Informer Newsletter (c.1996);Business Improvement District Informer Newsletter (c.1996)

Business Improvement District Informer Newsletter (c.1996);Business Improvement District Informer Newsletter (c.1996)


1996, 1996
Newsletter from the Swift Current Business Improvement District (BID). The paper is blue in colour, and it was printed in late 1995 or early 1996. The newsletter contains information about new businesses, programs and activities (including a recycle bin program). It also has information about a contest to name the park beside the Bank of Montreal, and "Heritage Square" was the eventual winner of the contest.

Newsletter from the Swift Current Business Improvement District (BID). The paper is blue in colour, and it was printed in late 1995 or early 1996. The newsletter contains information about new businesses, programs and activities (including a recycle bin program). It also has information about a contest to name the park beside the Bank of Montreal, and "Heritage Square" was the eventual winner of the contest.
Newsprint, Newsprint

Communication Artefacts, Communication Artefacts, Documentary Artifact, Documentary Artifact, Newsletter, Newsletter