Saskatchewan Jubilee Centennial Notebook Newsletter (1965-06);Saskatchewan Jubilee Centennial Notebook Newsletter (1965-06)
June 1965, June 1965
Saskatchewan newsletter titled "Jubilee-Centennial Notebook", published in June to July 1965. The newsletter contains articles about various activities in Saskatchewan to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee and Centennial. These events were for the 60 year anniversary of the founding of Saskatchewan taking place in 1965, and Canada's Centennial in 1967.~root~>
Saskatchewan newsletter titled "Jubilee-Centennial Notebook", published in June to July 1965. The newsletter contains articles about various activities in Saskatchewan to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee and Centennial. These events were for the 60 year anniversary of the founding of Saskatchewan taking place in 1965, and Canada's Centennial in 1967.~root~>
Saskatchewan newsletter titled "Jubilee-Centennial Notebook", published in June to July 1965. The newsletter contains articles about various activities in Saskatchewan to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee and Centennial. These events were for the 60 year anniversary of the founding of Saskatchewan taking place in 1965, and Canada's Centennial in 1967.~root~>
Paper~root~>, Paper~root~>
Mailing address reads "Mr. Ed. Henry, // Shamrock, Sask."~root~>
Mailing address reads "Mr. Ed. Henry, // Shamrock, Sask."~root~>
Mailing address reads "Mr. Ed. Henry, // Shamrock, Sask."~root~>
Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Newsletter~root~>, Newsletter~root~>