Orange Crush Bottle

Orange Crush Bottle


Orange Crush bottle with no cap. The bottle is amber coloured and ribbed with a orange diamond label on one side.

Orange Crush bottle with no cap. The bottle is amber coloured and ribbed with a orange diamond label on one side.
Glass, Glass
The label reads "Orange-Crush T.M. Reg. // This Special Bottle Protects the Delicate Fruit Flavor and Fresh Taste // Orange Crush Limited // Contents 7 Fl. Ounces". There is a diamond shaped trademark is stamped into the glass on the bottom.

The label reads "Orange-Crush T.M. Reg. // This Special Bottle Protects the Delicate Fruit Flavor and Fresh Taste // Orange Crush Limited // Contents 7 Fl. Ounces". There is a diamond shaped trademark is stamped into the glass on the bottom.
Tools and Equipment for Science and Technology, Merchandising T&E (Food Related), Bottle, Pop