Swift Current Comprehensive High School Newsletter - Upstart, Vol. 1, Issue 1 (1973-09-28)

Swift Current Comprehensive High School Newsletter - Upstart, Vol. 1, Issue 1 (1973-09-28)


September 28 1973
Newspaper from the Swift Current Comprehensive High school, titled "Upstart". This copy is dated September 28 1973 and is Volume 1, Issue 1. Articles in the issue include: An interview from SRC president Deb Durovick, an interview from SRC vice-president Kevin Satter, an interview from SRC secretary Janet Bischoff, a short story titled "Rudy", and a short story titled "The Flitzerwing Saga". It also includes pictures and various reports on SRC, sports, the library, and the music department.
Communication Artefacts, Documentary Artefact, Newspaper