Swift Current Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament Flyer (2001-06-16);Swift Current Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament Flyer (2001-06-16)

Swift Current Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament Flyer (2001-06-16);Swift Current Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament Flyer (2001-06-16)


June 16 2001, June 16 2001
Flyer advertising the "Chamber 'Fun' Golf Tournament". The event took place on June 16, 2001, and was put on by the Chamber of Commerce, co-sponsored by Sask Tel. The bottom portion is left blank for individuals to fill out for registration and donations.

Flyer advertising the "Chamber 'Fun' Golf Tournament". The event took place on June 16, 2001, and was put on by the Chamber of Commerce, co-sponsored by Sask Tel. The bottom portion is left blank for individuals to fill out for registration and donations.
Paper, Paper
Communication Artefacts, Documentary Artefact, Handbill