Swift Current Environment Advisory Committee Records
Archival item
January 1 1883
The fonds, related to the Swift Current Environment Advisory Committee, was acquired by the source during its lifetime. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.
The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
Folder #1, Environment Advisory Cmte: correspondence between the Environment Advisory Board and the City of SC pertaining to motorized vehicle use of property designated as "Urban Reserve" west of 11th Ave. NW; list of native species in the designated area; Proposal for Use of City Property West of 11th Ave NW"
Folder #2: bylaws for Environmental Advisory Board; posters and promotional material for environmental events (e.g. Enviroforum, Earth Day, EcoAction); meeting agendas - June 2003, September 2003 - January 2004; meeting minutes - March, May, September - November 2001, January - May, September - December 2002, January - June, September - December 2003 ; correspondence between Environmental Advisory Committee and the Swift Current Creek Watershed Stewards; document, "Swift Current Environmental Advisory Board Concept For An Expanded Recycling Centre For Swift Current & The Southwest"; newsletter, "Swift Current Creek Watershed Stewards // Know Your Watershed", Summer 2002; correspondence from HELP International re: offer of assistance for intensive tree planting; correspondence between Environmental Advisory Board and Dan Knutson, Engineering Assistant, re: 2003 Litter Cleanup; newspaper excerpt re: Earth Day 2003
Environemnt Advisory Committee members: Dan Knutson, Keith Hanson, Sandy Larson, Bob Jamieson, Cher King, Bix Biederbeck, Else-Marie DePauw, Fernando Selles, Hugh Henry, Irene Enns, Dave Wiegers, Bob Hale, Joan Meyer, Jennifer Stolz
Municipal government
ca. 25 cm of textual records