8th Reconnaissance Regiment
Archival item
September 7 2007
The fonds, related to the 8th Reconnaissance Regiment, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.
The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
A.2007.6 (8th Reconnaissance Regiment)
A.07.6.1 helmet
A.07.6.2 puttie
A.07.6.3 puttie
A.07.6.4 cord
A.07.6.5 cord
A.07.6.6 badge; green, V-shaped
A.07.6.7 a-b badges; brown, V-shaped
A.07.6.8 a-b badges; "Royal Canadian Signals"
A.07.6.9 a-d badges; crown
A.07.6.10 badge; "Canada"
A.07.6.11 badge; "T"
A.07.6.12 a-b badges; "Canada"
A.07.6.13 plaque; "Louvigny"
A.07.6.14 plaque; "Vernon Army Cadet Camp"
A.07.6.15 newspaper; S.C. Sun, 1989
A.07.6.16 sign; "8th RECCE Assoc." reader board
A.07.6.17 uniform pants
A.07.6.18 uniform jacket
A.07.6.20 a-d wooden box and contents; "Col. Iver Clifton"
A.07.6.21 plaque; wood with metal maple leaf, "Juno"
A.07.6.22 a-b badges; "Amari Admare Usque"
A.07.6.23 badge; maple leaf
A.07.6.24 bracelet; leather with metal leaf
A.07.6.25 a-b pins; metal crown and leaves
A.07.6.26 flag; swastika
A.07.6.27 framed photo; "Kerrisdale"
A.07.6.28 sign; "Chemin du VIIIe RECCE"
A.07.6.29 wooden box; "Sol des Cimetieres"
A.07.6.30 wooden mallet
A.07.6.31 metal tray; "Normandie"
A.07.6.32 plaque; circular, "Louvigny"
A.07.6.33 Normandy flag; red with yellow lions, large
A.07.6.34 Normandy flag; red with yellow lions, medium
A.07.6.35 Normandy flag; red with yellow lions, small
A.07.6.36 a-b Normandy flags; red with yellow lions, on posts
A.07.6.37 flag, red with yellow lionesses
A.07.6.38 pillow cover; "14th Canadian Hussars"
A.07.6.39 handkerchief; burgundy
A.07.6.40 a-b books; "Remembrance"
A.07.6.41 bag of yellow stencils
A.07.6.42 metal easel
A.07.6.43 colour reunion photo, Vernon, outdoor group shot
A.07.6.44 colour reunion photo, Vernon, outdoor group shot
A.07.6.45 board with black and white photos, in action
A.07.6.46 board with black and white photos, in action
A.07.6.47 board with black and white photos, gravestones
A.07.6.48 board with black and white photos, gravestones
A.07.6.49 board with colour photos
A.07.6.50 board with black and white photos, in action
A.07.6.51 board with black and white photos, in action, partial
A.07.6.52 board with black and white photos, banquet
A.07.6.53 board with black and white photos, banquet
A.07.6.54 board with black and white photos, banquet
A.07.6.55 board with black and white photos, BLC missing
A.07.6.56 board with photos of Nazis
A.07.6.57 board with photos
A.07.6.58 repro of Leader Post, December 3/45, front page
A.07.6.59 repro of Leader Post, December 3/45, page 2
A.07.6.60 repro of Leader Post, December 3/45, front page
A.07.6.61 large 8th RECCE sign, painted wood
A.07.6.62 roll of posters
ca. 95 cm of textual records
ca. 36 objects
ca. 19 photographs~root~>