Swift Current Amusement Company

Archival item

November 10 1999
The fonds, related to the Swift Current Amusement Company, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum. The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents: .1- General ledger, Eagle and Lyric Theatres, Swift Current, Amusement Co., 1926 – 1928 columns in 1926-1928 volume one: Bank; Box Office (Eagle and Lyric); Partners Michael Healy and Jack Lundholm; Film Service; Express; Advertising; Rent, Light, Heat; Wages; Vaudeville; Repairs, Sundries; Ledger .2- General ledger, Eagle and Lyric Theatres, Swift Current, Amusement Co., 1932 – 1934 columns in 1932 - 1934 volume two: Eagle, Lyric [box office revenue]; Bank; Partners, M.C.Healy and F.J.Lundholm; Machine Payments; Films; Express; Advertising; Wages; Rent, Light, Heat; Sundries (Mr. Dahl owned S.C. Cinema Ltd, which bought out SC Amusement Co.) -document inside front cover: Swift Current Amusement Company Cash Receipts and Disbursements for Six Months Ended June 30th 1934 (2 copies) Entertaining and entertainment ca. 30 cm of textual records