World War II Victory Bond Graph

World War II Victory Bond Graph

Archival item

Image of a large graph, used to keep track of war bonds, Victory Bonds, sold in Swift Current during WWII, "7th Victory Loan Swift Current Sub Unit Rural Districts // Bonds Sold to Date by Rural Representatives", names along the bottom of the chart read: L. Anderson, Wymark; A. Beisel, Hallonquist; Mrs. Benn, Leinan; W. Burnett, Lac Pelletier; P. Campbell, Stewart Valley; W. A. Carefoot, Swift Current; W.A. Chamberlain, Vesper; L. Eidem; H. English, Neville; J.A. Friesen, McMahon; J.H. Friesen, Wymark; L. Hendrickson, Leinan; W. Hetherington, Success; M. Neuhalfen, Coulee; O. Olsen, Neidpath; Ed. Stephens, Stewart Valley; J. Wallace, Braddock; A. Ward, Burnham; P. Wells, Neville; J.N. Young
Photographic Paper
Communication Artefacts, Documentary Artifact, Print, Photographic