Sculpture, Soapstone


Grey and green "soapstone" carving in the round of a standing Inuk figure. Hands and arms held at side and is wearing traditional clothing. Face details are carved, almond shaped eyes, large nose, and small flat mouth. Eyes and facial details not painted it. Line around top of head indicates hairline or hood. Hand does not have finger details. Figure is lopsided leaning towards it's proper left with the right shoulder being larger. Carving is polished. Possible Inuktitut syllabics on base. 

This carving has been attributed to "Paniak", believed to be Panniark Siusangnark, an Inuk artist from Naujaat. This artist explored various themes, one being the human figure as seen in this sculpture. This sculpture does not have any inlays of ivory or sinew, but the artist did explore various materials in addition to stone in other carvings.
Length: 13.5 cm; Height: 27.3 cm; Depth: 8 cm;
Notes: Heavy.
Accession number on bottom of base in small white lettering. 

Possible Inuktitut syllabics inscription on bottom of base.