Photograph Album The Canadian League of Ukraine's Liberation


March 14 1970
Photograph album gifted to John G. Diefenbaker from the Ukrainian National Youth Council Saskatoon Branch 1973. Green vinyl cover with gold coloured decorative stripes on spine. Front and back cover have dark brown wood inserts covering green vinyl. Front wood insert has red, green, yellow, orange, and white engraved geometric Ukrainian designs. Back cover wood insert has red and green striped engraved border. Album spine has thick red cord ending with tassels holding album together. 

Inside is dedication page and black paper with protective acid-free tissue between the pages and protecting any inserted photographs. Album is empty.
Wood, paper, vinyl, cord, metal
Length: 42.6 cm; Width: 28.8 cm; Height: 4.1 cm;
Dedication page (In English and Ukrainian): 
"To the Right Honourable
John G. Diefenbaker,
Champion of Human Rights
and esteemed Friend of Ukrainians 

The Canadian League for Ukraine's
Ottawa Branch
Dr. Michael Borowyk
Ottawa, March 14, 1970"

Accession number in black on back.