
Stereoscopic Photograph Card;Turtledove's Cook Stereogram Series

Archival item

A woman in an elegant dress pointing to the flour hand prints on the young man's back - Stereoscopic card for a stereoscope, the card bears two almost identical photographs, when viewed through the stereoscope the image appears three-dimensional, this card bears an image of a woman in an elegant dress pointing to the flour hand prints on the young man's back and the caption "(6) Heavens! What does she mean.". "Copyrighted 1902 by William H. Rau." is written underneath the caption. 1996.14.2 - 1996.14.13 should be viewed consecutively to tell a story. 1996.14.2- 1996.14.46= 45 stereograph viewing cards
Cardboard; Photographic Paper
"Sold Only By Universal View Co. // Philadelphia Pa. Lawrence Kan." stamped on one end, "William H. Rau Publisher // Philadelphia, U.S.A." stamped on other end
Tools and Equipment for Communication, Documentary Artifact, Stereograph