
Stereoscopic Photograph Card

Archival item

A young woman standing behind a table with baking supplies on it - Stereoscopic card for a stereoscope, the card bears two almost identical photographs, when viewed through the stereoscope the image appears three-dimensional, this card bears an image of a young woman standing behind a table with baking supplies on it and the caption "(1) Mr. and Mrs. Turtledove's New French Cook". "Copyrighted 1902 by William H. Rau." is written underneath the caption. 1996.14.2 - 1996.14.13 should be viewed consecutively to tell a story. 1996.14.2- 1996.14.46= 45 stereograph viewing cards
Cardboard; Photographic Paper
"Sold Only By Universal View Co. // Philadelphia Pa. Lawrence Kan." stamped on one end, "William H. Rau Publisher // Philadelphia, U.S.A." stamped on other end
Tools and Equipment for Communication, Documentary Artifact, Stereograph