Engineering Library
The Campus Art Placement Program provides artwork from the University Art Collection that is displayed in many publicly accessible spaces throughout campus. Our libraries, having large and fairly open areas, provide the added advantage of exhibiting artwork that is stylistically, thematically or conceptually linked in a manner and with a purpose that is similar to the display of art objects exhibited in galleries. In consultation with the Library staff, artworks were selected that reflect themes or concepts that may be of interest to the students and staff in the Colleges where those libraries reside.
The current artwork displayed in the Engineering Library include depictions of objects such as planes, missiles, grain elevators, tractors, and even cardboard boxes that represent the achievements of processes inherent in manufacturing, industrialization and technology for instance. However, the diverse artists featured here utilize and transform these objects to demonstrate the creative processes of inventiveness, imagination and play on the one hand, but manipulate them to present issues of materialism, consumption, and waste on the other. At a time where the industrial revolution has recently made way for the digital revolution, these images may guide the viewer to reflect on thoughts ranging from hopeful progress to fearful decline.