Block, Wood


Text block Solid wood block stained a light reddish brown with traces of blue and yellow inside the carved out letters on the front. Centered in the block about 1cm from the top and bottom edges is the word "RODEO" recessed and written bacwards. All the letters are 6.5cm tall and approximatelky 7.5cm wide, except for the "E" which is only 6cm wide. Sides and back have trace amounts of red, blue, and yellow ink/paints on otherwise plain wood.
Wood (basswood or pine)
Longueur: 42.2 cm; Largeur: 8.4 cm; Hauteur: 2.2 cm;
Notes: Height refers to the thickness, length measures the distance across the block from side to side and width measures from top to bottom.
Gift of the Derksen Family