An Afternoon In The Park Program An Afternoon In The Park;Governor General's 'Afternoon in the Park' Program (2001-09-19);Governor General's 'Afternoon in the Park' Program (2001-09-19)
September 19 2001, September 19 2001
Program for an "Afternoon in the Park" on 19 September 2001. The program includes a message from the Governor General, information on the Role of the Governor General, and acknowledgements.~root~>
Program for an "Afternoon in the Park" on 19 September 2001. The program includes a message from the Governor General, information on the Role of the Governor General, and acknowledgements.~root~>
Program for an "Afternoon in the Park" on 19 September 2001. The program includes a message from the Governor General, information on the Role of the Governor General, and acknowledgements.~root~>
Paper~root~>, Paper~root~>
Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artefact~root~>, Program~root~>, Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artefact~root~>, Program~root~>